After the Apocalypse:Rebirth
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~Jay (Loki~Ari)

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After the Apocalypse:Rebirth
You have come to a great roleplaying site! But be warned, some gruesome and explicit content can be shown on this forum. Please, if you are young, think twice about joining this forum, and look it over to see if this is the right place for you. People under 12 should do so.

Thank you, and thank you for visiting ATA! We hope you have a great time in our forum!

~Jay (Loki~Ari)
After the Apocalypse:Rebirth
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ATA-How it Happened
It was 2017. The Moon suddenly left it's orbit, and the Earth was a dark cold place. Millions caught disease from the cold and darkness, many became crazy and committed suicide, and many were killed by other things. Shadows. Shadows were wiped out when the Moon first appeared, after a meteor struck Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon kept them away. Though, as the moon suddenly disappeared from the orbit, the shadows once again appeared, and killed off most of the disease survivors. Now, only about 8,000 people live in the world, and there is a popular group of rebel survivors in New York City. These survivors are the closest in the world to the Shadow Fortress, and are the only ones that can save the human race from becoming completely extinct. This is the Prolouge of ATA. Help make the story.
ATA Wiki
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Alex && Lyssa

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Alex && Lyssa Empty Alex && Lyssa

Post by Shihong Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:42 am

Alexander && Alyssa
Alex && Lyssa Untitled-7


Alexander Rhodes || Alyssa Mires
17 || 16
6'3 || 5'9
174 || 122
Body Type:
They're both pretty average.
Hair Color:
Black || Auburn
Eye Color:
Green || Amber
Birth Place:
Some places you've never heard of. .3. I'm sure.
Human or Shadow:
Humans.. or half-bloods i guess. lol. idc. You choose. o3o Teh Jay saidness Halves were needed.
(If Shadow) Which one?:

Whatever they can find.
Quiet, Thoughtful || Outgoing, Rash
Plans Ahead, Very Smart || Quick Agility, Tireless Energy
Close-Minded, Tends to attempt to be a leader. || To willing to do things, hyperactive.
Books, Puzzles || Music, Guitars
Loud noise || Spiders
History: (At least three sentences)
They found each other in Los Angelas. Both of them had no family and nothing left to turn too. They took off together, trying to find a better place.

[xLyssax] [xAlexx]
Lissa's :: The Blades are especially made with a soft to the user to hold down the arm and against the elbows. It's great for close combat and hard to avoid with her flexible body.
Alex's :: With his keen eye and easy concentration, he is a formidable opponent with his throwing knifes. He is very skilled with them are rarely misses.

Last edited by Alex~Lyssa on Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 260
Join date : 2011-01-10
Age : 29

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Alex && Lyssa Empty Re: Alex && Lyssa

Post by Ari~Elias Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:00 am

Approved! :3

Posts : 3808
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 26

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